What does the Inventory Audit Report show?


The Inventory Audit Report (All Items From All Sports) shows a cumulative list of items for all the sports for which a user has access. Further, this report has been designed for easy filtering in Excel. 


Inventory Audit Report


1. From the Dashboard, navigate to the Reports tab. Then click on the  Inventory Audit (All All Sports). (Note: This report is unaffected by the current sport selected or any search criteria; it will always contain all the data from all sports for which a user has access).

2.You will be guided to the screen shown below. Click on Export, then select Excel. An excel file should be downloaded on your computer.

3. Open the Excel file generated in Step 1. You can see details such as cumulative quantities ordered, current quantity on hand, and cumulative quantities issued to athletes and staff (these categories are shown in the red box below).

3. The Excel file is also ready for easy filtering. To filter columns in Excel, click Sort & Filter at the top right of the file, followed by selecting Filter

4. Once filtering has been enabled, select the column(s) desired for further filtering (for example, Sport) followed by choosing the sports to be shown in the table.

5. In the case shown above, the file will now show only the information related to the sport "Baseball". (All columns can be filtered. You can also sort the data however to meet your desired needs.)