Setting up Recruit Standard Fields

 Setting up Standard Field

Standards Fields come preset with your Front Rush and are universal to every sport. These are common fields that range from Admission Status to Date of Birth (DOB).

1. Within the Settings Tab, select Recruit Settings.


2. Once here, select System Settings. You will be presented with the fields that exist.



3. Clicking into a field from the list, we see the Field Name, Enable Read/Write Roles, Roles that Can View/Update This Field


Note: Standard Field Names can’t be edited.


Enable Read/Write Roles will give you the ability to determine who sees and can edit fields within a Recruit’s profile. Not having this selected will allow anyone to use the fields.


In the above scenario, Application Fee Date is selected. Notice under Roles that Can View This Field ,Coach and Compliance are selected and Roles that Can Update This Field only  Compliance has been selected.

Since Enable Read/Write Roles is checked off, Compliance and Coaches may see the Standard Field-Application Fee Date but only an individual with the Compliance Role may have the ability to update the field in a profile.


Note: When a Coach logs in and view this field in a Recruit’s profile, it will look like this:


Remember, these roles stem from Manage Users which are located within your Setting Tab.