Review Roster Form Status



Individual Student-Athlete Form Status


Step 1: Go to the Roster

Step 2: Click into Roster member's profile

Step 3: Select Priority Fields

Step 4: Hit Form History

Step 5: Click into the form to review it. 

Pending here means the form has been started but has yet to be submitted. Dates are indicated here to show when the form was Created and when the form was signed.


Dashboard Roster Form Status Overview



Step 1: From the Dashboard, scroll down to the Roster Form Status panel.

Forms Submitted: These are forms sent to the student-athlete of that sport.

Forms Pending: These are forms that have been started but not completed by the student-athlete

Forms Completed: All those forms completed by the student-athletes of that sport.

Forms Pending Staff Review: Any form that is pending that involves the staff member tied to that sport.