Inventory: Managing Serialized Items

This article covers creating a serialized item, accessing serialized items, managing individual serial numbers, and adding new serial numbers for a serialized item.


Managing Serialized Items

How to create a serialized item

1. Select the New Item button in the top right corner of the screen. It is outlined below.

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2. Select the serialized item box outlined below, and fill in the information for your item.

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3. In the Item Detail section, select all the sizes that you have, and enter the number of items of each size which you have. The system will automatically create this number of each size, and assign each its own unique serial code.

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4. Ensure you select the save button in the bottom right corner of the screen to create your new item. It is circled below.

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search item - detail view shows how many of each size, when you add serial numbers on hand quantity auto goes up to that number

serial view will show you on a per helmet/individual item basis 

can select all to change things, asssign manufacturing year, etc

Accessing Individual Serialized Items

You may want to access all of the serialized items for a certain helmet, shirt, or other.

To do this, search the specific item in the search bar in the upper right side of you screen which is outlined below.

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Once you have searched for your desired item, you can select the Detail view in the top right (circled below) to see how many of each size you have of the item.

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To see each individual item on a per unit basis, and its serial number, select the Serial tab outlined below.

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Managing individual serialized items

can select all to change things, asssign manufacturing year, etc

new items in, any time, hit add serial numbers in top right

search item

say how much of each size is added and new number will be auto assigned

if there is a serial number not used anymore, can check them and hit archive, or go to three dots on right side and archive individually.

to recover archived items go to advanced search on left hand side, select include archive


There are many different things you may want to do on a per-unit basis.

To change properties, send out to reconditioning, return from conditioning, assign manufacturing year, etc.:

Select the units you wish to affect, or select all by selecting the highest checkbox which is above the rows, which is outlined below. You then can select from the options outlined in the top bar for functions listed above.

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To archive one or more units:

If you have units which are no longer in use, you can select all of which you want to archive with the checkboxes on the left side and then select archive from the drop down menu which is accessed through the three dots on the top bar in the upper middle of your screen.

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To archive one individual unit, you can also hover your cursor over the row so it turns blue, select the three dots on the right side of the row which you want to archive, and select the archive button which is outlined below.

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To access archived units:

This can be done using the advanced search filters. Select the arrow head in the top left corner of the screen, select the archived items box outlined below, and select the Search button.

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To add serialized units:

To add individual units, click the Add Serial Numbers button in the upper right side of the serial view which is circled below.

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This will prompt the below window, in which you type the exact item for which you would like to add units or serial numbers for.

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Once you have searched for your exact item, enter the amount which you would like to add of the available sizes for the item. When they are added, this will automatically increase the on-hand inventory and generate the serial codes. To finalize the transaction or cancel, select one of the two buttons outlined below.

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