As a user or administrator of Front Rush software or related services (including ACS Athletics), we want to inform you of a change to our services that send mass email on behalf of your campus. This change is effective, Tuesday, October 16th, 2018.
Why is this happening?
At Front Rush, trust is our #1 value, and we take the security and performance of our services very seriously. To maintain the highest level of performance standards, we occasionally need to upgrade our services and networks. To that end, we are changing our bulk email sending services.
What action do I need to take?
Front Rush requests your assistance in whitelisting our new email servers so that the emails will not be marked as SPAM. Our dedicated mail server information is as follows:
The IP addresses of our redundant sending mail servers are as follows:
The domains* are:
* The domain that will appear in the body of any email message containing a link is This domain is not involved in the sending process and typically does not require any special exceptions unless there is content based filtering or URI blacklisting. In that case a special exception should be included for
Could you please whitelist the IP addresses and domains (if applicable) listed above?
When will Front Rush Complete this Mail Server Upgrade?
Tuesday, October 16th, 2018 at 10am Central Time
Where can I get more information?
For any additional questions, please reach out to our Support Team by emailing