The inventory page allows you to view, filter, edit, add, and delete items. Common features include creating an item, assigning barcodes, issuing items, and adjusting inventory values.
List Functions:
Check All - Checks off all items for which the filter criteria apply, across pages.
UnCheck All - Unchecks all items currently checked across pages.
Check All on Page - Checks off all items on the current page.
UnCheck All on Page - Unchecks all items on the current page.
Assign Year - Allows you to assign a year to an item. Commonly used to filter for current inventory.
Archive Checked Inventory - Archives all checked inventory. Archived inventory can still be viewed by clicking Include Archived Data and searching. Archiving an item will also archive all transactions associated with the item.
Taxable - Sets all checked items as taxable.
Not Taxable - Sets all checked items as not taxable.
Create Order - Create an order using the items which have been checked.
Add items to an existing Order - Add checked items to an existing order.
Auto Assign Barcodes - Allow the system to automatically assign unique barcodes to checked items.
1. Click on your Inventory.
2. Apply filters to narrow your inventory search. You can also search by Item Description and Model Number for quick results. (NOTE: Filters are not applied until Search is clicked)
4. To view details such as item sizes, barcodes and prices:
a) For a single item - Click the Item Id.
b) For all items - Click Detail View.
5. To run a list function, check off the items you wish the function to apply, then click the list function.
List Functions:
Check All - Checks off all items for which the filter criteria apply, across pages.
UnCheck All - Unchecks all items currently checked across pages.
Check All on Page - Checks off all items on the current page.
UnCheck All on Page - Unchecks all items on the current page.
Assign Year - Allows you to assign a year to an item. Commonly used to filter for current inventory.
Archive Checked Inventory - Archives all checked inventory. Archived inventory can still be viewed by clicking Include Archived Data and searching. Archiving an item will also archive all transactions associated with the item.
Taxable - Sets all checked items as taxable.
Not Taxable - Sets all checked items as not taxable.
Create Order - Create an order using the items which have been checked.
Add items to an existing Order - Add checked items to an existing order.
Auto Assign Barcodes - Allow the system to automatically assign unique barcodes to checked items.