Inventory: Grouping Items and Mass Issue Them in Bulk

Learn how to create groups of items for the purpose of mass issuing multiple items in bulk, or mass issue multiple items without grouping.


Group Items & Mass Issue Multiple Items

Grouping & Mass Issue

Add the Items to a Group:

  1. Click the box next to each item you'd like to group
    Group - Img 1 - Group_Items
  2. Click "Add to Group" and select or create a new group
    Group - Img 2 - Add Items to a Group
    Group - Img 3 - Group Name-1
  3. Set a default mass issue quantity for each item (set as 1 by default)
  4. This group can be searched for by using the filters under the "All Groups" section

Mass Issuing Items From a Group:

  1. After filtering for your group, select the top box to select all items in the group. Click "Mass Issue" and choose whether you want to issue the items to Athletes or Staff
    Mass issue - Img 1 - Select Items from Group
  2. Click the boxes of the individuals you want to issue items to*
    Mass Issue - Img 2 - Select Athletes_Staff
  3. Click "Next"
  4. Confirm the issue transaction by ensuring that the correct quantity of each item was selected, and adding comments to the transaction as necessary
  5. Click "Next"
  6. Click "Continue"
  7. A success screen should appear, indicating that the items have been issued successfully
    Mass Issue - Img 3 - Success Screen
  8. An Excel spreadsheet of the issue summary and the list of transactions can be generated by clicking "Export"
    Mass Issue - Img 4 - Export

*An item might not have a size listed (i.e., size n/a), but this just means the size is not being tracked for the item - the product itself can still be assigned to Athletes/Staff.