Importing Phone Bill (Macro)

Importing Phone Bills

Using a Macro? 

Steps to upload Phone Bill into Microsoft Excel Macro (If necessary):

1. Save the macro file to your computer

2. Open the macro file

3. Click Enable Macros when prompted by Microsoft Excel

4. Click the Format button (displayed in the middle of the Microsoft Excel document)

5. select your Phone Bill on your computer 

6. Click Open

  • Note: The Macro will reformat your phone bill for the Phone Bill Import tool

7. Select All cells of the newly formatted Excel Document

8. Copy entire spreadsheet

9. Open a new Excel Document

10. Paste the formatted results from the macro into a new Excel document

11. Save the new Excel file to your computer

12. Import the new Excel document into Front Rush with the steps below

Steps to import phone bill into Front Rush!

  1. Click on Import Phone Log
  2. For dropdown titled "What type of data are you importing?", select Importing a Phone Bill
  3. Next to "Select File:", Click Choose File
  4. Select to open the phone log excel document from your computer
  5. Click Open
  6. Check the box if applicable
  7. Click Upload New Import Log
  8. Map column headers as necessary