Inventory: How to Recondition Serial Items

Learn how to recondition serial items quickly in bulk without having to manually create multiple transactions.


The Reconditioning Process

How to recondition serial items

To send helmets out for reconditioning, return transactions no longer have to be created. With the new inventory module, this can be done by the following:

  1. Click the box next to each item that you'd like to send to reconditioning.
    Img 1 - Select File
  2. Click "Out to Recon", document the date, and add comments.
    Img 2 - Out to Recon
  3. The helmets are removed from inventory and sent for reconditioning. To view this, go to a helmet's transaction history - you can see that the item has been returned, removed and sent out to recon.
    Img 3 - Transaction History-2

To document when the helmets come back into recon:

  1. Open the filters on the leftmost panel by clicking the arrow.
    Img 4 - Open Filters
  2. Select the filters "Remove" and "Out for Recon" and apply them.
    Img 5 - Filter for Recon
  3. Select all the helmets you want to document and click "Back from Recon".
    Img 6 - Back from Recon
  4. Document the return date and add appropriate comments. After clicking "Save", the helmets will now be back from recon.
  5. The "Back from Recon" status can be viewed by clearing the applied filters.
    Img 7 - Proof of Back From Recon

Reconditioned helmets can be re-issued to the same athlete. This can be done by clicking the re-issue icon next to the helmet's status under "Last Transaction".

Img 8 - Re-issue Helmet