Creating a Recruit Board

Video: Creating a Recruit Board

Creating a Recruit Board

1. To create a new Recruit Board, go to the Recruit Board tab

2. Click New Board at the top

 3. First, create a Name for your New Board, then hit Save Board Name

4. Once you have entered the Board Name, you will be asked to Add Columns to your New Board

5. Enter in your Column Names and Click Add to List

Note: To delete column names, click the red X to the left. To update the Sort Order (Order the columns appear on the board), change the number in the far right column and click Update Sort Order next to Add to List


6. After you have Entered your Column Names, click Back to Recruit Board to get to your New Board 

7. Select your New Board from the Dropdown Menu

8. You have successfully created a New Board and it is ready to be filled with Recruits