Creating a Calendar Group

Creating a Calendar Group

1. Click on the Calendar Tab

2. Click the Pencil Icon to the right of Calendar Groups

3. Click New Group to add a new group

4. Type the Name of the Group in the Box and Click Save to create your group 

5. Select the checkboxes to the left of the Student-Athletes from your roster list on the right hand side to decide who you would like to add to this group. Once you have selected the student-athletes click the Add to Group.

Note: Once you have moved the student-athletes over a tag will be placed on their account to note which groups they are assigned

6. To remove student-athletes from a group you must select the checkboxes to the left of the Student-Athletes from your roster list on the right hand side to decide who you would like to remove from this group. Once you have selected the student-athletes click the Remove to Group.