Front Rush Essentials Coach
- Questionnaires
- Training
- Essentials Mobile App
- Discover
- Customize Fields
- Search
- Tracking Personal Contacts (Recruiting & More)
- Data Imports into Front Rush
- Managing Staff in Front Rush
- Practice Logs
- Forms
- Student-Athlete Portal
- Customizing Front Rush
- Archiving / Deleting
- Dashboard
- Duties
- Calendar
- Group Board
- Recruit Tab
- Roster Tab
- Alumni Tab
- Contact Tab
- SMS / Texting
- Exporting Tab
- Reporting Tab
- Admissions
- Messaging Tab (Email/SMS)
- Gmail Plugin
- Templates
- Third Party Websites & Integrations
- Coach Packet
- Billing
- Tricks
Front Rush Essentials Compliance
Front Rush ELITE Coach
- Student Athlete Portal
- Recruits
- Dashboard
- Settings: Compliance Activities
- Settings: Recruiting Events
- Topic Focused Trainings
- Settings: Recruit Settings
- Recruit Board
- Eval Pipeline
- Calendar
- Contacts
- Messages
- Roster
- Schools
- Forms
- ELITE Mobile App Training
- Settings: Questionnaires
- Saving Emails
- How to Log in for the first time
Front Rush ELITE Compliance
FR TRAC Inventory Management
Adding a Recruit
Adding a Recruit
1. Click on the Recruits tab
2. Click New Recruit in the top left corner
3. Enter in the Recruit Information on the Next Page
Note: First Name, Last Name, and Grad Year are required and denoted by a red asterisk
4. Once the Recruit Information is entered, at the bottom of the page you will have 5 Options
5. Choose which option pertains to what you need, and your New Recruit will be saved