Remove Staff Member in Front Rush

Deactivating a Staff Member

To remove staff members' in front rush, select Manage Staff from the sport drop-down.

Note: Compliance officers and university administrators will see a slightly different page then coaches.

Deactivating a Staff Member (As a Coach)

If you are a coach:

1. Click "deactivate" under the Staff Member.

This will remove the staff member from your sport!

Deactivating a Staff Member (As a Compliance Officer or Admin)

If you are a compliance officer or university admin:

1. Click on the menu in the top-right corner 
2. Click "Manage Staff" 

To Deactivate one staff member at a time:

  • Select the Deactivate button

To Deactivate many staff members at a time:

  1. Optional: Run a Search (for example, to remove all coaches in a sport, filter for the 'sport' and the 'user role' as Coach

  2. Check-off the users you wish to deactivate

  3. Press 'Deactivate' at the top of the grid

  • This will remove the staff member's access to Front Rush
  • if you only want to take a user out of a sport, simply edit their profile by pressing their names, and unchecking the sport from the list
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