1. Front Rush Help Center
  2. Front Rush Essentials Compliance

How Can an Athlete Confirm Practice Hours?

Once you send the completed hours to your athlete, they will be sent an email with a link to the Roster Login 

After Receiving the Email Notification:

1. Sign into the Roster Login

2. They will enter their email address and password (click forgot password if password is forgotten)

3. The athlete will see a message at the top of their account once they log in

4. Once they click on the notification at the top, the hours for that week will display

  • Multi-sport athletes may need to select the correct sport from their accounts
  • They can do so can do so via the drop-down

5. Scroll to the bottom to confirm or reject the practice logs for that week

6. Once the athlete confirms the practice logs, it will display a note in the Calendar View of Front Rush


Note: If the hours were to be rejected by the athlete, the coach and compliance officer will be notified (in the calendar view as well as in the compliance login view) 

Once adjustments / corrections are made to the hours, the athlete will have the chance to confirm the hours again.