Front Rush Essentials Coach
- Questionnaires
- Training
- Essentials Mobile App
- Discover
- Customize Fields
- Search
- Tracking Personal Contacts (Recruiting & More)
- Data Imports into Front Rush
- Managing Staff in Front Rush
- Practice Logs
- Forms
- Student-Athlete Portal
- Customizing Front Rush
- Archiving / Deleting
- Dashboard
- Duties
- Calendar
- Group Board
- Recruit Tab
- Roster Tab
- Alumni Tab
- Contact Tab
- SMS / Texting
- Exporting Tab
- Reporting Tab
- Admissions
- Messaging Tab (Email/SMS)
- Gmail Plugin
- Templates
- Third Party Websites & Integrations
- Coach Packet
- Billing
- Tricks
Front Rush Essentials Compliance
Front Rush ELITE Coach
- Student Athlete Portal
- Recruits
- Dashboard
- Settings: Compliance Activities
- Settings: Recruiting Events
- Topic Focused Trainings
- Settings: Recruit Settings
- Recruit Board
- Eval Pipeline
- Calendar
- Contacts
- Messages
- Roster
- Schools
- Forms
- ELITE Mobile App Training
- Settings: Questionnaires
- Saving Emails
- How to Log in for the first time
Front Rush ELITE Compliance
FR TRAC Inventory Management
Front Rush Order Form - Using Adobe
After receiving your link to the order form please forward to your contracts team to make comments
You should have received email from Adobe with our order form which includes the terms and conditions along with a price schedule.
Use the comments option to request any changes on pages 2-7 explained by selecting or clicking to reveal the options below:
Strikethrough to Comment
Highlight to Change/Switch
Underline to Comment
Please send me an email to let me know all comments have been made. You may close your browser window as the document automatically saves.
I will compile an amendment to those terms in list format to accompany the document for signature. Note that no actual redline changes will be made and our mutually agreed upon amendment will provide reference.
If you have any additional documents to include or need to be reviewed as part of your institutions contracts process, please respond to this email with them attached. I will forward them along with your proposed changes to the contracts team.
One last thing to note, the Government Entity clause is available if you agree, please let me know.