Questionnaire Submissions Without Contact
New athletes who have submitted your sport questionnaire within the time frame who have not received contact from your coaching staff. You can access an athlete’s profile by clicking on the athlete’s name in the table.
Your Recruits By State
All of your recruits with a grad year by state. By using the drop-down, you can drill down into more detail by specific grad years. If you prefer to see the information in a table, select List View. Need to dig deeper? Click on a state in List View, and Front Rush populates your recruit grid with the corresponding athletes.
Recent Text Interactions
These are all of the incoming text your coaching staff has received within the time frame specified. To give you a little more insight we’ve provided you if and when a text reply was sent from your coaching staff. Clicking on an athlete’s name takes you to the athlete’s profile, so you can send a quick text.
Total Interactions
This chart provides you with an overview of how you are interacting with ALL of your athletes in the time frame specified. You can drill-down into the data further by changing the athlete type (recruit, roster, or alumni) and the time frame by using the drop-down filters at the top.
10 Most Recent Recruit Contacts
List of the ten most recent outbound recruit contact by your coaching staff. Like the other list tiles, you can access the athlete’s profile by clicking on the name.
How Recruits Entered Front Rush
Shows you how recruits are getting into your recruiting database within the time frame specified. You can expand and contract the time frame by changing the drop-down.
Coach Interactions
Provides a break-down of interactions by coach for all of your athletes over the time frame specified. You can also view only interactions for specific athlete categories (Recruit, Roster, or Alumni) and different time periods by using the drop-downs at the top of the tile.
Questionnaires Submitted
Provides you some insight into how your questionnaire submissions are trending.
Bulk Email Engagement
This chart provides into how well your email campaigns are doing. The bar shows you the number of bulk (any email sent to more than one recipients) emails sent on a given day and the open percentage on the email. Looking at this data may help you identify email campaigns that are effective and not effective.
Athletes by Category
Simply shows you the break-down of active athletes in your Front Rush system.